
“Whenever you have truth it must be given with love, or the message and the messenger will be rejected”
Mahatma Gandhi

There is a course currently going on I did not attend in WIMWI called GGPLP. It touches upon the less privileged classes of the society. This subject naturally , generates a lot of passion amongst those who take it. When they try to pass on the message from such learnings to others, care need be taken to ensure that there is no alienation of the audience.

Which brings me to another observation , there are movies and plays: some serious "socially relevant" ones and some humorous "childish " ones . Some thespians prefer the "socially relevant" ones i.e. guilt trip, sad situations and long monologues to deliver the theme. The ones i like are ones that use humour, tease the participant to open up and then with love, give their truth.


Marvin said…
Nice post!I concur.
Gujako said…
hey u got a very informative blog... enjoyed browsin thro it!

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