A study in Myself

“ ..I have been lucky to have had wonderful seniors who have treated me like an equal...

--A senior talking about his stay in my College.

Here is a guy known for his sports since his freshman year. He obtained his respect from many seniors [some known to be less than patronizing to other juniors]. They respected him not for what he is, but for what he achieved when he played .More than for his enthusiasm; which he has in loads, he is still recognized as a good sportsman [albeit for the level of our academician dominated institute].

That started me thinking, and introspecting …, and it hit me, I am doing what those people did.

There is this junior .She is good in some thing. I respect her for that compared to her batchmates. Just because she is said to have some talent, I probably would treat her better than her peers. My behavior is based on what she can do rather than who she is. In fact, I can’t claim I know her well. But if I meet her anytime her talent will be a prejudice on my mind. If I smile when I meet my friend, it will be because his/her face brought a sense of joy [somewhere in my brain a stored good memory released some particular chemicals which made me glad.] .But when I meet her, if I smile, it will be because I see a good “_____”,not a good human.

This is something I do not want to do. This is probably something she would not want to be done.


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